Here is a new twist on an old favourite. Traditionally the the ferret was stuffed with the rabbit, but to increase the sense of poetic justice try it the other way around.
You will need:
1 rabbit (preferably caught by the ferret)
5 slices of pancetta or good streaky bacon
For the stuffing:
1 ferret
4 cloves of garlic, minced
zest of 1 lemon
toasted pine nuts
3 shallots
1 free range egg
rabbit liver
bread crumbs.
A sharp blow to the back of the neck will dispatch both the rabbit and ferret.
Care should be taken that the blow doesn't hit the shoulders, otherwise the carcass may be discoloured.
Now prepare your rabbit by skinning and gutting retaining the liver for the stuffing.
Place the rabbit on its back and debone taking care not to break the flesh on the back. This is quite a difficult job so take your time (I like to sit, with a glass of wine). Spread out the pancetta like a blanket so they overlap slightly. Lay the rabbit on its back on the blanket, season with salt and pepper.
The Stuffing:
Remove the meat from the legs, loin and fillet of the ferret, mince roughly and fry with garlic and shallots. It is very IMPORTANT that you fry the ferret well, as it, like pork, carries the trichinosis worm which can be deadly to humans. When cool, mix in the other ingredients. Form into a sausage shape and place in the centre of the prone rabbit. Fold over the legs and pancetta making a tidy sausage. Now tie with string as you would roast beef and roast in an oven at 200C for 55min, basting regularly at 10 minute intervals. Remove from oven and allow to relax for 15 minutes.
Slice evenly into 1cm tranches and serve with vegetable chips and a piquante red pepper sauce.